Do you have a mare that is pregnant and want someone to be there when she foals? I have room for 3 mares and am experienced in the field of foaling. I will start accepting mares around end of October, beginning of November. Your mare will have plenty of turnout time and be groomed and handled daily. Foals will be handled daily until pickup of mom and baby. Each foal is imprinted from the time of birth. They are given a halter and led outside to a paddock on the second day if weather is permitting and there on after.
Prices will vary on the Mares/ Foals stay with us. Please contact for prices and if you have any questions and or concerns.
We offer training as well, please contact for more information. Our trainer has been working/breaking horses for 5 years.
We also take in injured horses that need cared for and or need to be on stall rest.
We do have a vet for every horse, wether it is here for foaling/training or to get healed. We follow directions from the veterinarian for medical procedures and rehabilitation. A vet is nearby for x-rays and follow-ups. The owner of the horse may choose to send their own vet.